Friday, March 11, 2011

ACK! Its been FOREVER!

OK, it has been forever. OOPS. SORRY!!!!
Anyway, I still have Billy, and he is a thriving happy little kitty. He is almost 1 yr old, was born in the first week of April last year. YAY Billy!
Billy will be getting fixed actually on April 1. We have had two appt's set up for him so far but ended up cancelling them both for various reasons. No unfixed females in the house, so no dangers of him reproducing but we are kinda scared to take him! He is a fragile cat, and we just worry that something will happen. He is very small for his age....and very small for the amount of food he eats!
Billy has grown out of his playful stage a bit recently. Certainly not around Christmastime though. He lOVED that christmas tree more then anything in the world.
It was a fake tree...about 6 ft tall. And Billy would start at the bottom, cliimb his way to the top, and coo his little despair cry until we would come rescue him. Knocking ornaments off the tree was his 2nd favorite thing. He would stand on his hind legs, knock an ornament off, and then chase it around the room! SMART baby!
Now he still plays, but not as much. He likes to sleep. He likes to attack our feet as we walk up the stairs. He will jump of three stairs to attack an ankle....hurts pretty bad!
He likes to snuggle in between my husband and I at night while we are sleeping...but we have to be careful that I don't turn my back to him...he tries to eat my hair! I don't know if it is just because he doesn't understand it, or if he thinks it is fur that needs groomed but its weird. And when he eats he making a weird snorting type noise, and purrs really loud, and as he tries to eat my hair he ends up pulling pieces out of my scalp. It is weird!
Lately, our poor cat Baby has been sad...he is about 10 mos old and still in his playful stages but he can barely get Billy or Joey to play with him so he wil just try to jump on any cat he sees until someone plays with him. Sometimes he and Billy will chase each other room to room, Billy has finally mastered being able to run from room to room.
It will be rough in about a month though, if we get the house we have been trying to buy, because Billy will have an entire new place to get used to...and *gasp* a tiny "balcony" to have to avoid. At the top of the stairs there is about a 1.5ft area that he he climbs up it, it would drop right into the entryway of the house. So when we do move, we will have a lot of training to do.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Billys favorite things

Billy has a few favorite things...
1. Plastic bags. I don't know why...but if I shake a grocery bag, or open new trash bag, he comes running. And his run isn't a typical run, he kinda hops like a bunny. It's a half hop, half run. Super cute!
2. FOOD. Billy LOVES food. ANY food. The kitties get wet food as treats twice a day. We have to split the food up, one plate for Billy, one for Toby and one for the other kitties. We have to make sure to give Billy extra...bc he will eat everything on his plate and walk around until he finds more food! Once he finds another plate, he growls at any other cat eating, and when they leave he finishes the food! He is a grubby butt! He eats so fast...4 to 5 cats eating off a plate eat slower then he does. We mix in dry food with the wet so it takes him longer and he still finishes first. We also can't eat without him knowing. He will be in the kitchen and if we choose to eat in the living room, he makes his way in and hops up to wherever we are and comes to try and steal our food. He has even climbed up and snatched a bite off the plate before we realize it!
3. Sunlight/outdoors/windows....Billy tries to get outside every time the door is open. If windows are open he will happily sit in the sill for hours....or on the back of the couch next to the open window. He loves it.
4. Korey. Billy loves Korey more then anything....except maybe food. Billy climbs into the table in the kitchen and waits til Korey comes home from work. If Korey walks by without greeting Billy, Billy will follow him into the living room and climb onto his lap. It is very adorable. Billy snuggles up on Korey's chest, and either licks his face/nose or nuzzles his head under Korey's chin. I think Billy would be content to sleep on Korey's chest all day long if possible.
5. Balls with bells. If we pick up a ball with a bell, Billy will hear it from anywhere on the first floor. He loves them. If we throw them he chases them, along with Joey and Toby....They then play soccer with the ball, passing it back and forth all around the kitchen. Billy doesn't always find the ball but he sure tries!

Monday, September 6, 2010

The Great Outdoors!

Billy has discovered what lies beyond the front door....UNFORTUNATELY!!
He is now obsessed. For about the past month and a half, Billy and Joey have been waiting at the front door, any time we go outside. If we leave for awhile, they are usually not there when we get back but if we re doing yardwork or anything, they will wait right inside. Joey likes to walk to the door, and Billy has always walked to the edge, but never outside. This is part of why we think Billy can see some shadows etc, bc he likes the outdoor light a lot.
Anyway, last week Korey decided to take Billy outside and see what he did. We let him down on the grass in the yard and he just walked around a little and ate some grass and laid in it. We didn't let him out very long. Then, a couple days later we were sitting on the steps and brought him out again. He laid on the concrete and rolled around and cooed/purred happily. Now, everytime we open the door, he rushes over to try and get out the door. He doesn't want to go far, just onto the porch and then he lays down. We joke that he has the spirit of our kitty Deke who passed a few months ago, and LOVED being outside with us. No other cat is allowed out, because they try to explore beyond the porch and we are afraid they will run away.
Billy has also started spraying :( We think that is what it is at in the morning I am calling to get an appointment for him to be neutered. I am VERY worried about leaving him at the vet. Joey, who can see just fine, was so lovey and clingy once he got back from the vet after his neuter...I worry with Billy it might be worse. Billy took to us very well when he first came to live with us, and is very friendly to new people, so I am not worried about him being scared of new people....more worried about him going to a scary new place, without his human mommy and daddy, and having to go through the neuter and wake up disoriented without our comfort.

Billy is still the most amazing cat. I love love love Joey, and he is my little baby, but Billy is fantastic. Billy loves Korey so much...he will climb on me and realize I am not Korey, and go find him :). Billy also likes to climb onto Korey's chest, and "nurse" from his chin!! It is so funny! Billy will paw at his face, and lick his beard and just nestle into it. He is so attached to Korey.
We are going on a mini vacay in a couple weeks, and it will be Billy, Joey and Toby's first time without us overnight...we will be gone for three days! We have someone watching the house, but Joey and Toby hate new people and Billy just loves everyone, so we are hoping they all still love us when we get back.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

its been awhile!

OOPS. I have been busy this month and apparently time has flown faster then I thought.
Billy is awesome. Hands down, most awesome cat. Well, Joey is basically a tie because joey is my favorite thing. But Billy....AMAZING. Billy likes Korey so much. So much, that Billy KNOWS when Korey is off work. Billy waits, in the kitchen, for Korey. And if he hears him walk in and NOT pick him up and give him love...Billy follows him cooing until Korey pays attention to him.
Billy has learned a cute trick. If he is cooing, it means HELP ME MOMMY AND DADDY....he got stuck on the windowsill one day and was not sujre how to get down, and he cooed. He is playing, and the toy got away from him and he can't find it....he coos til we bring it to him. He got stuck on a shelf and forgot how to get down, he cooed.
We joke that Billy is the reincarnate of one of our cats that passed last year. Angie was that cats name...she was a tiny little cat, but kinda older. You would have thought she was a kitten with her size. Well, we used to joke that she was a ninja, because she was so small and light that she would just appear on our laps, and we wouldnt know how long she had been there. Billy does the same darn thing. We will be hanging out watching tv and Billy just appears on our lap. Mostly Koreys, because he loves my husband much more than me I think :)
Billy is also partial to licking koreys cheek and nose. IDK why, but he LOVES it. He also likes to curl up on his chest, with his head resting against Koreys face, mainly his goatee. It is freakin adorable.
Oh and Billy is still the smartest cat ever. He had completely figured out the stairs. He can run up and down them just like the other cats. If he hears us going up the stairs, he follows. The other night he was sleeping in our room, and we let him out to use the litter. He ran down, used litter, and ran back up and was crying outside the door within 5 minutes, wanting back in to sleep in our bed.
This cat loves the kitchen table...and laundry baskets...if I have a laundry basket full of clothes on the table, he will climb onto the table, climb the basket and lay atop the clothes. If we don't tell people he isblind, I swear half the time no one would know. Except that he has a real small face, and these big huge eyes that just look around everywhere all the time.
We think he can see some light over the past month, we have had to pull him off the curtains so many times. He will go from sitting on Koreys chest, to jump onto the back of the couch, and LEAP up the curtains. It is such a site to see.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Billy conquers the stairs...

Billy is learning so much everyday!
This past week...he has gotten into climbing, on everything he can! We already knew he liked perching, as he has been perching on the back of the couch and on our shoulders often. And he likes boxes....anytime we get anything that comes in a box, we keep the box. Joey sleeps in them and Billy divides his time between sleeping in them and on them.
I left the step stool in the laundry room next to a set of shelves...I hear Billy's bell and realize he has climbed the step stool and has ventured onto the top shelf! I had to make sure we moved the step stool because we store plastic bags on the shelves, and he has gotten stuck in them before. Once the step stool was moved, he still climbed it, but would just sit like he was royalty on the top shelf looking around.
To the BIG NEWS of the WEEK!!!!!
We have tried to introduce him to the stairs he still gets confused sometimes. He will climb onto a windowsill, and fall asleep. A couple hours later, will wake up, try to feel for the ground under the ledge, and when he never does, he will cry until we come get him. It is very sad, but the fear not knowing what is under him or how far down it is, stops him from jumping.
The same type of philosophy goes with the stairs. Billy has walked to the bottom of the stairs, and we have even tried to "help" him walk up a couple, by moving his front paws up. He typically in the past has just sat at the bottom of the stairs, "looking" up. A couple times he has reached his paw up but could not touch the top of the next step, so he has given up on figuring it out, probably assuming it is a wall of some sort.
Thanks to our old house, the stairs are creaky. On Friday, I was taking laundry upstairs when I heard his little bell ringing, sounding a lot closer than it should be with him downstairs. I looked out into the hallway, and Billy is just trotting down the hallway, moving his head from side to side. He had heard me climb the stairs, and followed me up! He walked around the hallway a bit, than explored the guest room, climbed onto the bed and promptly fell asleep.
He has spent the last day climbing the stairs, and hanging out in the guest room sleeping on the bed. Our guest room is a "cat room" basically, we keep an old quilt on it for the kitties to lay on, and they spend a lot of time on the bed!
Billy can't yet climb down the stairs, which is the problem!! He sits at the top and just washes himself, or sleeps. I am working on teaching him how to get down on his own so he can be independent. I started by trying to talk him down the stairs. We have three stairs, a landing, and than about 10 more. I was able to talk him down the first three, and he sat on the landing like he expected me to just carry him down the rest. :)
I tapped the step underneath him a few times and he finally took a step down. I repeated it the entire way down, and he was able to make it.This morning, we woke up to find him sleeping on the guest bed. Later in the day, he climbed the stairs again. He is getting awesome at going up, and loving exploring something I am just going to have to keep working on getting him to climb down on his own!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

All you need is love...

That is all Billy needs to lead a happy life. He is the loviest, sweetest kitten in the world, well aside from my Joey.
I have a theory about Billy loving Korey more. It is easier for Billy to lay on Korey's flat chest...and not my chest. He apparently does NOT like laying on a womans chest...I am thinking the boobs get in the way?? haha! TMI sorry.
Right now, Billy is laying on Korey's chest, licking his face....his cheeks, nose etc. If Korey talks, Billy is right there, trying to sniff at his mouth. Billy is just rolling around on his chest, sniffing his face and nuzzling up to him. I must admit, I am a little jealous. I am home all day caring for him and loving him. At least Joey loves me more I guess :) As long as Billy knows he is loved, I am fine with him loving Korey more.
Last night Billy slept in our bed with us. We haven't let him yet, as we don't have a litterbox in our room, and Billy can't quite get the stairs yet. We have tried a little but he doesn't like it. He lOVED sleeping in bed. He curled up with us for a goof 5 hours before he woke us up with his little cries to get taken to the litter box. He is SO good about that....he has not yet had an accident.

I feel like I say a million times a day, that we love Billy so much. Truthfully, we were nervous when we got him. We were not sure that we were ready for a blind kitten, but we knew we had to try for his sake. In the 3 weeks that we have had him, he has proved a million times over, that blind cats are amazing. I feel bad when people say that we are good people/doing a great thing by having a blind kitten....bc all we did is give him a home. And love/attention. The rest is all him. He is the one who can find his litterbox, his food, who plays with his toys, and cuddles up with us on the couch. He is the one who cries when we wants held/picked up, and the one who hears us first thing in the morning and runs to find us so we can pick him up and nuzzle him against us. There is nothing like walking downstairs to have your blind kitten run up to you each morning and cry because he missed you all night and wants attention. The little thing cant even see, but he knows just where we are and just what to do to get attention. He can't see our faces but knows by our smells and voices who we are. We were worried he would have trouble adjusting after spending 11 weeks in one home and getting suddenly moved...but you would think we had had him since he was born with how much he loves us, our other cats, and being here...and how well he knows us and the house and can get around!